Race For Life

Nanaimo BMX


The "Race For Life" started in 1981 when an avid 12-year-old BMX racer from Michigan discovered he had leukemia. His name was Todd Kingsbury and like many BMXers, he had dreams of someday becoming a top pro in the sport. Unfortunately, this dreaded disease would keep Todd from fulfilling his dream.

When Todd's friends and the American Bicycle Association learned of his diagnosis, it was decided that an organized effort should be made to help in Todd's "Race for Life." The first ABA "Race for Life" events were formed that year, with over 130 tracks participating.  Ever since, the ABA has held a series of "Race for Life" events across North America to help in the fight to find a cure for blood-related cancers.

Helping other people is one of the finest things that anyone can do in life.  Through your donation to BC Children's Hospital Foundation, you are helping to fund critical research to help kids with leukemia.  Thanks for being our partner in this journey!

Of course, the best reward of all is the good feeling of helping others with leukemia.