Wigs For Kids

Two or More Tennyson Girls

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Wigs for Kids BC (W4K BC) helps kids living with cancer, live better.

A proudly volunteer-run organization, W4K BC provides funding to cover the cost of custom-made human-hair wigs for children and teens at BC Children's Hospital who have suffered hair loss due to cancer treatment or other serious illnesses. Donations to W4K BC also help families pay for medications and feeding supplies that are essential for treatment but not covered by their medical plan.

When a child has a serious illness it takes an enormous toll on the entire family–both emotionally and financially. The assistance W4K BC provides makes the family's burden a little lighter so they can focus more of their time and energy on caring for their sick child.

By contributing to W4K BC, you are making a tremendous difference in the lives of children living with cancer - and their families - across the province. Thank you for your support.

Two or More Tennyson Girls have created posters, made class presentations and have solicited donations from Tennyson students, staff and families. 

Over the Easter weekend, both girls had their hair cut to donate their ponytails to W4K. 

Thanks for visiting our page and supporting this great organization!