Wigs For Kids

Wigs for Kids BC 2025 Fundraiser


Wigs for Kids is a program in support of BC Children's Hospital, we provide a free wig to any child in BC who has lost their hair to cancer or other medical conditions, we also help families financially with the costs of feeding supplies and certain cancer medications both not covered by MSP. We fully fund the driving program, where a child and parent is driven to and from the hospital for treatment when a vehicle is unavailable to them, prior to this program many were relying on public transit after chemo and other cancer treatments.


Just before Covid hit we were told by the social workers that their biggest struggle in helping families are the costs related to receiving medical care outside of BC (when not available at BC Children's hospital)  they asked and we agreed to donate $100,000. each year to help pay for the costs to get the kids and parent/s to hospitals in Seattle, Boston, Chicago etc. and to help pay for their stay, food, transportation etc.


Wigs for Kids BC is volunteer run and with no overhead every dollar we raise goes to help BC kids and their families and helps them focus on getting their child healthy again.

Here is a letter we received from a family recently.


"My child C fought brain cancer twice, and Wigs for Kids BC helped us tremendously with feeding tube supplies that we never could have afforded on our own.


C was diagnosed with a brain tumour at 3.  The biggest symptom prompting us to get medical attention was extreme weight loss, it was alarming how thin C got.  From then on it was a whirlwind, surgery to get a port installed and admission for a feeding tube to help put back on the weight.  When I investigated the cost of feeding supplies I was shocked at how much it would cost to keep my baby healthy and I was really worried on how we could pay for it.  But I was told not to worry about it, and in swooped Wigs for Kids to cover the cost.  I never saw a single bill.  C had weekly chemo infusions for 18 months and had the feeding tube the entire time.  Six months after finishing chemo, the tumour grew again and back to treatment we went.  C wasn't able to come off the feeding tube.  C stayed in active treatment another year and on the feeding tube for another six months after that.  Today, 6 years after the original diagnosis the tumour is stable and C is chemo and feeding tube free!  We are truly grateful to Wigs for Kids BC."

Through generous donations from companies and individuals and our fundraisers we have been able to help BC kids and their families since 2006 and hope to continue for many years to come.

Thanks so much for considering to support Wigs for Kids BC, we really appreciate it and so do the kids!

Bev Friesen


Wigs for Kids BC

12131 Hayashi Ct.

Richmond BC  V7E 5W2
