Wigs For Kids

Wigs for Kids BC is a committee of volunteers that raises money to provide custom-fitted human-hair wigs for children suffering hair loss due to cancer or other serious illnesses. We also help provide essential medications and feeding supplies that are not covered by any medical plan or program.
When a child has a serious illness it takes an enormous toll on the entire family–both emotionally and financially. The assistance we provide makes the families burden a little lighter so they can focus more of their time and energy on caring for their sick child.
The Wigs for Kids BC program has absolutely no overhead. Every dollar we raise is used to further our mission: Helping BC kids living with cancer, live better.
On behalf of our program volunteers, the children we help, and their families, thank you for your generous donation. We really appreciate it.
For more information about Wigs for Kids BC and about donating your hair, visit wigsforkidsbc.com.