Wall of Tribute

Donate Now
Fundraiser Hosted By Connect 91.5FM

For tribute donations of $200 or more between November 15 and December 31, 2021, your tributee's name will be added to a paper ornament and displayed on one of the tribute trees in the hospital lobby.

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Donation Information

Charitable Business Number: 11885 2433 RR0001

Fields marked with * are required.

The form below is for credit card and PayPal donations only.
If you prefer to donate offline and mail in your donation, please download our PDF donation form.



Monthly donations are receipted annually.
You may cancel your monthly gift at any time by notifying the BC Children's Hospital Foundation.

The form below is for credit card donations only.
To set up a monthly Direct Debit Donation, please download our Monthly Giving Pre-Authorized Payment Form (pdf) and send in your authorization by mail, fax to 604-875-2596, or by email to donorservices@bcchf.ca.
